Who We Are
Chris & REGINA
Chris and Regina Korankye serve as Pastors of Power Worship Center Church in Norcross, Georgia, a growing, thriving ministry that is built on declaring, believing and living out the Word of God.
Chris and Regina have a passion to see the lives of people transformed through the renewing of their minds. God has given them the mandate to go into the world and empower everyone, by teaching them about the three keys that will unlock doors to victorious living. With this calling from God, Chris and Regina must now present the three keys that require people of all nationalities to know who God is; know who we are, and know the promises of God. They believe that it is time to see the fulfilment and manifestation of the power of God at work in every life daily.
God has called Chris and Regina not only to serve as Pastors and founders of their local church, but also to help other Pastors, leaders, and the youths around the world to experience the supernatural wonders associated with becoming sons and daughters of God. They accomplish this through Power Blast Ministries International, Inc (PBMI).
They are proud parents of three boys and one girl, Pethuel, Jared, Traegod, and Tamar.